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What is Cannabis Assisted Therapy (CAT)
The plant helps to provide greater access to normally untouched areas of the mind, akin to other psychedelic medicines. By delving below the defences of the ego structure, cannabis-assisted psychotherapy allows individuals to explore what truly influences their symptoms, offering a unique and supportive approach for processing strong emotions and revelations arising from psychedelic experiences.
Cannabis, within the context of Cannabis-Assisted Therapy, facilitates somatic exploration, processing, and release of traumatic events and memories stored in the deep cellular coding systems of the body. These experiences often lie beyond the reach of verbal psychotherapy modalities focusing on understanding, insight, narrative, or coping techniques.
It is essential to recognize that cannabis, like other psychedelic substances, is not a magic bullet. In Cannabis-Assisted Therapy, cannabis serves as a tool to support the therapeutic process. There is no standardised approach to CannabisAssisted Therapy; the emphasis is on tailoring the therapy to what best supports the client at any given moment.
During a Cannabis-Assisted Therapy session, the individual typically consumes a dose of cannabis flower legally allowable only in vaporized form to minimize harm. Guided by two experienced therapists, the individual engages in an active therapeutic process, exploring feelings, somatic sensations, and experiences in a deep and introspective manner. Contrary to common belief, Cannabis sativa is considered a classic psychedelic. Recent advancements in cultivation have led to exceptionally potent strains, with THC levels testing around 25%-30%. Clean, well-grown, organic cannabis is recognized for diverse terpene profiles, contributing to the range of physiological and psychological effects. When approached as a safe and sacred medicinal tool.
The therapy session typically lasts 2-3 hours, which includes a period of reflection and integration. Therapists provide support and guidance to help individuals make sense of their experiences and incorporate them into their everyday lives.
A history and application will be required to start the process and more details can be found in our package inclusions and application information forms. Also please reach out with any questions you may have. On the day of your Medicine sitting, you will be required to bring your script from your prescribing Doctor and the Medicine. More details for this can be found on our Script info page.
The following link is a CAT session using cannabis as the medicine and the bottom up principal from the Psychedelic Somatic Institute. Although the experience with the client may seem similar, the PTNQ setting will be significantly different. We offer a beautiful space that allows both the therapist and client to move around freely and feel better supported. Psychedelic Treatment of Childhood Attachment Trauma
The following link information about Psychedelics and the default mode network.
Client Feedback
“I have been most excellent! Very contented and unstressed. Hope it lasts!”
“I felt this was really great. I feel so much better, happier and unstressed. All my moments have been good!”
“A few big shifts have occurred already in perception and behaviours. I feel calmer and more in my heart-space and body. Which is incredibly important. I can still feel more shifts taking place. Even while typing this there are some spacious sighs happening.”
“This experience is everything I hoped for and am truly grateful to both of you for allowing this to happen. If there is ever anything I can do for you please reach out”
General Cautions
Medicinal cannabis is not appropriate for:
People with an active or previous psychotic or active mood or anxiety disorder
Women who are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding
People with unstable cardiovascular disease.
Your prescribing Dr will clear your history and suitability for using Medical Cannabis Flower.
Patients with neurological conditions may be more likely to experience negative effects from medicinal cannabis.
There is no information available on the most effective or safe dose for various conditions and symptoms.
Doctors should:
Carefully assess elderly and particularly sensitive patients
Regularly monitor interactions between medicinal cannabis and other treatments
Assess liver function when deciding to continue or stop treatment.
Although there may be some evidence to suggest a benefit from medicinal cannabis treatment for one condition or symptom, this does not mean it will have benefits for other conditions, even with the same product and the same dose
​Finally, the psychoactive effects are where there can be potential for harm. On higher doses, it is possible to have a “bad experience”. This means feeling fear or paranoia and sometimes seeing dark and haunting visions. These episodes are an integral part of psychedelic exploration and often contain some repressed parts of the subconscious that need to be visited to heal or facilitate spiritual and emotional growth in the individual. However, the possibility of having a bad trip and reacting negatively to it leaves space for harm to happen, either by getting hurt in an unsafe environment, or by experiencing trauma from the malevolent thoughts. So, mindset and setting are crucial for having a beneficial experience. This is why we usually support one person at a time and why we always have 2 experienced therapists present during your session. The peace of mind and security that an experienced, attuned therapist can provide can make all the difference both for physical and emotional security.
Preparing For CAT
Think of the medicine session as a multi-day experience. Minimize stress for a few days before the session and especially the day before. Spending some time in nature can help reduce stress. We also recommend reducing time on the phone or Internet. Abstaining from heavy and spicy foods is a time-honoured way to prepare for spiritual experiences. You will be in the best position to benefit from the session if you refrain from consuming alcohol and other intoxicants for one week before the session.
We also suggest not working the day after the session, or at least having a light schedule. It is helpful to have time to reflect on what happened during the session and you may want to take some time to recover from the intensity of the session.
Ideally, in the days preceding your ceremony engage in activities like yoga, meditation, mindfulness practice, prayer, journaling, and solitary walks. In general, as much quiet time as possible just being with yourself focusing on your intent but not dwelling on negative aspects. Being in a mindful place will help you immeasurably in your experience. There are many different paths to help with your preparation, reflect on what resonates with you in preparing for a ceremony.
Medicine Day
As you embark on this psychedelic journey, you may encounter unexpected sensations and thoughts. This is a natural part of the process, as you're exploring uncharted territories of your mind, body, and spirit. It's okay to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable at times, but remember that these challenges are opportunities for growth and healing. Embrace your emotions, whether they be tears, joy, or laughter. Trust that you're safe and supported, and that we're here to guide you through this transformative experience. Let go of your fears and doubts, and surrender to the process. Remember, it's okay to feel scared - it's a sign that you're pushing past your boundaries and exploring new depths. As you navigate this unfamiliar terrain, approach each moment with humility and openness. Ask yourself what lessons you're here to learn, and trust that the universe is guiding you towards healing and growth. Don't resist your emotions - face them with courage and curiosity. If, you need reassurance, don't hesitate to reach out to your therapist. We'll be here to support you every step of the way, and guide you through gentle cleansing rituals at the end of our session. Trust that you're in good hands, and that this journey is happening for your highest good."
It's natural to feel apprehensive when you're taken out of your usual frame of reference, as the familiar ground beneath your feet can suddenly feel like a vast, unknown expanse. Acknowledging these feelings can be a key part of your journey. Feeling safe and supported by us can truly make a difference, helping you navigate this unfamiliar territory with a sense of comfort and reassurance.
Embrace any strong emotions which may arise within you as you face this new reality. Trust that you are being cared for, that you are safe and supported. Gently welcome both the pains and joys of the experience. It can be helpful to let go of your sense of self. Approach each lesson with humility and openness. Ask yourself why you are experiencing this and what lesson you might be here to learn. Resisting or avoiding strong emotions may make the experience more difficult. Try to face you’re your emotional journey calmly. If you find a door, open it, and follow the path before you. If you see someone or something to guide you, allow yourself to follow it.
This is all happening for you, though it may not feel that way in the present moment. If you need reassurance, ask your therapist to help you ground yourself. At the end of our session, we will guide you through some cleansing rituals and gently and carefully close the ceremony when you are ready
The Psychedelic experience can be so novel, and so profound, that it is necessary to make an effort to integrate it effectively into your life. This process may take days, weeks, or years, and it begins immediately following your medicine session. We will make sure to support you after the ceremony, to talk you through and embody your experience and help you interpret parts that you are struggling with. You will most likely struggle to put your experience into words, there are not many for what you have felt in the beginning perhaps, everybody is different and that’s beautiful. We will provide techniques that will help you to integrate what you have experienced. In the days and weeks following the experience, it is recommended to continue any spiritual, helpful practices you were cultivating beforehand and observe how they may feel different.
Our package includes integration sessions after your medicine Journey and these are probably the most important part of stabilising and holding onto the new views and feelings you have experienced. We will guide you to explore and hold onto these new views in our sessions and hep you to explore this by yourself. You then can revisit the experience through these practices and bring this more into your life. We will continue to be available to discuss any aspects of your journey, this is greatly beneficial and encouraged. The more work, time, therapy and space you are willing to put into yourself, both before and after CAT, becomes very evident in seeing and being your new views.
Integration Guidelines: What type of commitment may give me the outcomes I desire? We take a long term view to finding and embodying our centre. Our experience and belief extends from the teachings we have received and commitment in doing our own internal work for many decades. Our intention and commitment to ourselves is ongoing and aids in being a clear vessel and container to be able to deeply listen from a place within that has the capacity to be still enough to receive without action. To help facilitate the deeper wisdom of your cells, the nervous system and your patterns of protection. Together guiding you to the intuitive, innate healing potential of the body, mind, spirit complex and all its wisdom. We see the power of what it is to be witnessed in a safe, supported container to help enter that tender centre, the place of truth inside of us.
“I want this to work!”
Somatic Contemplation/Meditation/Practice: 10 minute (morning routine)
Intentions: embody your intentions in your daily life (What you may have been guided to in your integration therapy session or whenever you have an instinct on what the medicine would guide you to do, follow through)
Wisdom Intake: Guidance from a therapist after your initial Integration therapy.
Sustain: for 30 days
'I really want this to work!' Somatic Contemplation/Meditation/Practice: 20 minute (morning routine)
Intentions: Reread your intentions each week and actively embody daily across your life. (What you may have been guided to in your integration therapy session or whenever you have an instinct on what the medicine would guide you to do, follow through)
Wisdom Intake: Read / listen / view material building on wisdom related to your experience. Guidance from a therapist after your initial Integration therapy each month.
Habits: Sleep hygiene guidelines + healthy diet + replace addiction w/ healthy choices + social connection
Sustain: for 90 days
'I'm so jazzed I literally want to do it all.'
Somatic Contemplation/Meditation/Practice: 60 minute meditation (morning routine)
Annual: Do a Health Retreat
Intentions: reread your intentions each day and actively embody across your life. (What you may have been guided to in your integration therapy session or whenever you have an instinct on what the medicine would guide you to do, follow through)
Wisdom Intake: Every day intake material building on wisdom related to your experience. Guidance from a therapist after your initial Integration therapy each month and ongoing.
Habits: Sleep hygiene guidelines + healthy diet + replace addiction w/ healthy choices + social connection Enjoyable Contribution: Shape your career and life around enjoyable heartfelt forms of contribution and passion.
Sustain: for a year
What's Next ?
For many people, the time just after their CAT experience feels like a new beginning. The world may feel refreshed, or you may feel as if some of your demons or troubles have been exposed and cleansed. You may have been given a new purpose in life, or perhaps just reminded of the one you’ve always had. In many ways, you are at the start of a long road. There will always be so much more to learn, so many more ways to change, and so much more healing to do.
We highly recommend ongoing support with therapist’ and guides to help you find that centre and balance you are seeking. Psychotherapists, psychologists, councillors any therapist that you find value with. That may be your normal ongoing therapist or finding a new person to work with.
At PTNQ, our commitment to continuous personal growth enhances our empathy, ensuring we relate authentically to clients. By modelling growth, we inspire clients to embrace their own journeys. Staying updated with the latest techniques ensures high-quality care, while prioritizing our well-being prevents burnout. This dedication fosters a supportive community, grounded in integrity and adaptability, benefiting both clients and practitioners.
Questions To Ask Yourself
Why do you want to do CAT, What benefits would you like to see?
Which difficulties do you think you might encounter and how might you try to overcome them?
Have you had any particularly traumatic experiences that may come up for you?
Have you ever been suspected of having psychiatric disorders or conditions?
Questions You Will Be Asked
Have you taken other drugs what experiences have you had?
Emergency contact person mob number This person must know what you are doing and be available. Also to pick you up post medicine session.
Have you had any particularly traumatic experiences that may come up for you?
Are you ok with touch? This will be discussed in much more detail in person with your therapists.
Have you taken any medication in the last 24 hours?
Have you had any coffee or alcohol in the last 12 hours?
Have you ever been suspected of having psychiatric disorders or conditions?
Range of Possible After Effects
What Are The Effects of Cannatrek – T25 Topaz Flower?
The effects were very sedating and soothing. It is an indica dominant strain, with 75% indica and 25% sativa genetics. It has a high THC level of 25%, which gives it a strong and long-lasting effect. It is great for anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and other conditions that require a calming and sedating effect.
Cannatrek – T25 Topaz Flower is a strain that can produce a range of effects depending on the dosage and the individual. Some of the common effects are:
Key Research
Experiences include perceptual changes such as synaesthesia, delusions and alterations in consciousness and the sense of time are also observed (Wieckiewicz et al., 2021).
In the present study, cannabis was paired with interactional psychotherapy, namely PSIP... From baseline to post-treatment, the patient showed a 98.5% reduction in pathological dissociation, as measured by the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation, no longer meeting criteria for D-PTSD. (Cannabis-assisted psychotherapy for complex dissociative posttraumatic stress disorder: A case report)
The consensus among our veteran participants who completed twelve 2 hour sessions of cannabis assisted psychotherapy was that roughly 75% of their PTSD had been resolved. (Note that this was a treatment resistant population with enormous amounts of adult war trauma along with high levels of childhood developmental trauma.)Psychedelic Somatic Institute (Psychedelic Somatic Institute)
Watch this case study discussion of a PSIP therapy session where the client is working with both ketamine and cannabis at the same time. PSIP Community Wide Case Study Excerpt (Part 1 of 2)
Methods For Contacting Us
Please download the signal app and gain our numbers. You also already have our email which we will monitor post session. We are here for you and wish to hold you and support you through these processes with love and guidance to the best of our abilities. Please reach out at our clinic on 4775 3300 whenever with any questions.